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Want A Bar At Your Wedding Venue? Try Car-O-Bar!

Weddings are glamorous events, and keeping the guests happy is crucial. Social drinking isn’t taboo, and marriage functions often serve alcoholic beverages to the guests.

If there are religious reasons that don’t permit the serving of alcohol in the marriage function, you have to keep the allure of drinking alcohol at bay. Still, if there are no such prohibitions, there is no problem with indulging in alcohol intake during wedding celebrations.

We have some tips if you are wondering how to create the perfect Car-o-bar experience.

You can opt for a Car-o-bar that can serve as a unique alcohol stop for the guests. We have some tips if you are wondering how to create the perfect Car-o-bar experience. Read on to know more.

Scared Of Elders? Here Are Some Secretive Car-O-Bar Ideas!

First, consider whether you want a discreet Car-o-bar vehicle or an alcohol cart within the wedding venue. If you want to be secretive about the alcohol serving, we have a few exciting ideas:

Water Bottles For Alcoholic Drinks!

If you don’t want other guests to discover you are serving alcohol, go for colored water bottles for a perfect camouflage to hide your drinks in plain sight.

Go for colored water bottles for a perfect camouflage to hide your drinks in plain sight.

Use Disposable Glasses

Weddings are for overall enjoyment. So, let go of the dainty feel of champagne glasses and hide your drinks in your disposable glasses. It is all about that merry dancing in the Baraat. So, you can get your moves going with your disposable alcohol glass.

Use normal disposal glasses.

Prepare A Spacious Car To Serve As The Bar!

Want to be secretive about your Car-o-bar? Park a spacious vehicle with tinted windows filled with alcoholic beverages and snacks near the wedding venue.

Use a sp

Go the extra mile to issue passes to keep the secret within the family. Keep tissues and a mini refrigerator inside the car so that the drinks remain chilled and people can clean up any mess.

Looking For Some Unique Drinking Arrangements? We May Help!

If alcohol consumption is not to be kept that secretive at the wedding, you can get creative with your Car-o-bar. Let us get into some unique drink arrangement ideas for your wedding guests:

Pour Your Beer Through Beer Taps!

Instead of a standard bar, arrange for beer taps so guests can pour their beer into their respective mugs.

Use beer taps for your Car-O-Bar.

Ring The Bell

Wedding decor plays a crucial role when you plan a Car-O-bar? How? By allowing you to hide the drinks counter behind a well-decorated wall. Decorate the wall with flowers and vines.

Hide your drinks behind decorative walls.

Place a bell on the wall, and a guest can ring the bell to get a drink. The wall should have a hidden opening from where the drink should pop out when a guest rings the bell. It is a fun way to enjoy a drink.

The Fountain Of Liquid Courage!

It is like an attractive centerpiece made by arranging drinks in the shape of a fountain. It looks beautiful, and people can enjoy their drinks from this alcohol fountain.

Create beer fountain on your wedding.


No matter what you do, remember to keep alcohol consumption within the legal limit. It is not fun if you become indisposed due to excessive alcohol consumption. Have fun in the wedding ceremony and drink responsibly.

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