When you think about proposing marriage to the love of your life, what first comes to your mind? Is the answer an engagement ring? No wonder. After all, for ages, this has been the best symbol to seal the bond of love between a couple. There are even instances where the partners wear rings of the same design.

Tradition says you must wear it on the ring finger of your left hand for a lifetime. Thus, it means this needs cleaning and maintenance. Below are some tips that may help you to keep your engagement ring intact and dazzling for a long time.
Regular Cleaning.
Take a bowl of lukewarm water and blend a few drops of shampoo with it. Make sure your engagement ring soaks in the solution for a few minutes.

Then, take it out and clean it with a soft bristle toothbrush. Once the dirt is gone, wipe the ring with a soft cotton cloth and wear the dried ring again. Follow this cleaning method regularly.
Avoid Contact With Other Metals.
Certain metals lose their shine when kept with other metals. For example, gold is not compatible with platinum. Thus, if kept together, the gold ornament may be affected.

So, be extra careful about how you are keeping your engagement ring when you are not wearing it. It is better to keep it in a box, away from other ornaments in your locker.
Avoid Soaps And Chemicals.
Take off the ring while taking showers or when you are in contact with corrosive chemicals. If soap piles up on the designed stone of your ring and hardens, you will not be able to clean the ring. Also, harsh chemicals can affect the texture of your ring.

Be Careful While Doing Daily Chores.
You can become unmindful during daily activities like cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. So, it is best to take off the ring and keep it in a safe place before starting your daily activities. This way, you can avoid damaging the ring or losing it unintentionally.

Keep Room For Extension Of The Ring.
Since the engagement ring is for lifetime usage, there must be some room for alteration of its size. With time, a person’s physique changes. So, the size of the finger may also vary. The ring should also be changeable accordingly. Get it checked by professionals periodically.

Be Careful About The Stones.
The wedding rings come decorated with different gemstones like diamonds, pearls, topaz, etc. Now, some are delicate, and some are hard. Each one of them has a specific cleaning process. You must follow that. The stones and the metal used may lose their glitter or even decay if you don’t clean them regularly.

Try To Insure Your Engagement Ring
Despite being extra careful and taking all protective measures, your engagement ring can get damaged. So, do not forget to get it insured. It’ll help you in case of theft or loss.

These simple tips will help keep your engagement ring safe and secure for the coming years. You will not have to worry about the stone used because it will always glitter.