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Know The Essential Tips To Combat Wedding Emergencies!

Weddings are gorgeous events, and Indian weddings are more than just weddings. They are the big fat weddings where numerous functions occur before the wedding, and the wedding itself is a grand occasion for all family members.

Indian Weddings are all about different functions and celebrations.

Planning a wedding is no mean feat. Several aspects require your attention so that the wedding can happen smoothly. With discussions over the dress, makeup, bridal procession, and other dazzling details, the requirement of emergency kits often gets sidelined. But why worry when we are here for you? We will help you to organize your emergency kit.

How To Plan For Emergencies At A Wedding?

An untoward incident can occur anywhere. Though we never hope that you have to face a dire situation on your wedding day, it is better to take precautions. The essential kits that are vital for handling emergencies in a wedding are here below:

Fire Extinguishers

You must have one or more fire extinguishers in your venue size. Your family members should know how to use the fire extinguisher during an emergency.

Fire extinguisher are a must in a wedding venue.

Fire Alarms:

It is vital to have a wedding hall or venue with fire alarms accessible to the public. Fire alarms should be visible, and signage should be present to let guests know where to find the fire alarm.

You must also keep a fire alarm in a wedding venue.

Emergency Exit

Keep a safe exit open for people for emergencies. During an emergency event, use the signage for the emergency exit. When people must evacuate the wedding hall due to an unforeseen emergency, they shouldn’t find any problem getting to the emergency exit.

Emergency Exits are a must in your wedding venue.

Be Ready For Other Crucial Emergencies!

Apart from averting incidents in the venue, take care of other emergencies. Let us discuss those:


Pack your medicines first in a utility bag. This medicine box can contain your prescription, tablets, syrups, and some over-the-counter medications for allergies and nausea. Keeping a small first aid box is the best idea here.

Don't forget your medicines on your wedding day.


Pack essential items such as napkins, pads, face towels, and tissues separately in your toiletry kit. Keep contact lenses, lotions, soap, and shampoo in this kit.

Unwanted emergencies or not, you must have these essential things with you.

Pack essential items such as napkins, pads, face towels, and tissues separately in your toiletry kit. Keep contact lenses, lotions, soap, and shampoo in this kit.

Makeup Kit

Even if you get your makeup professionally done, it is better to have a kit containing bobby pins, safety pins, hair ties, touch-up items, perfume, needle, thread, and more so that if you need to adjust your makeup or dress you can do that easily.

Keep your handy makeup kit with you.

Phone Numbers

Wedding functions are arranged by different departments. From venue decoration to catering, several people help to make the wedding wonderful. Keep a diary or folder enlisting names and contact numbers of all the executive heads spearheading the wedding. You can quickly access the person who can solve the problem during an emergency.

Carry a small diary with all emergency numbers.


Emergency kits are lifesaving and can prevent a situation from getting worse. It is sensible to take utmost safety precautions and adhere to safety protocols while arranging a wedding function.

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